In the beginning Chance ...


From the first page until the last, the Bible records events which touch upon the realm of science and nature.

The Book of Genesis records a supernatural creation of the world. The remainder of the Bible chronicles God's dealings with mankind, including miraculous events that break the so-called laws of science.  It is important to understand how these events should be interpreted.

Today the theory of chance evolution is widely believed to have been proven true. Why, one may ask, should a person consult the Bible regarding a scientific theory? The reason is that the theory of evolution is more than a mere scientific theory. It is an all-encompassing belief system about the history of the origin and development of life on this planet. The theory of evolution is concerned with events about which the Bible speaks. We have the right, therefore, to question this theory and compare it with what the Bible says. The conclusions we draw will explain who we are as humans, the meaning of our existence, and our ultimate destiny.

The issues could not be more important.





NOAH'S FLOOD / AS IN THE DAYS OF NOAH  I know this is out of alphabetical order, but it is so well done, I put it up on top!















A QUESTION OF ORIGINS ONLINE VIDEO Scroll down the page a bit to see the video.






Suitability For Life On Earth

The suitability for life to exist and develop on earth is a testimony to the Creator. Earth is the only planet in our solar system that can sustain life. We are just the right distance from the sun so that we get exactly the right amount of heat to sustain life. Mars to Pluto are far too cold to support life as we know it. There is no evidence of life existing on other planets.

Earth's Rotation

If the rotation of our earth had been 1/10 its present rate, the length of our days and nights would have been increased ten times. Our vegetation would burn up during the long days, while the nights would bring such low temperatures that any plant life which survived the day would be sure to freeze.

Size Of The Earth

The physical size of the earth is just right to support life as we know it. If the earth were as small as the moon, its gravity would only be 1/6 its present force and unable to hold either atmosphere or water. If its diameter were doubled, the force of gravity would be doubled and the atmosphere would be so compressed that its pressure would be increased from 15 to 30 pounds per square inch. This would seriously affect all life.

If our earth were increased to the size of the sun, while retaining its present density, gravity would be increased some 150 times. This would increase atmospheric pressure to over a ton per square inch. Life would be virtually impossible under such conditions.

Earth's Crust

If the earth's crust had been only ten feet thicker, the metallic elements in the crust would have combined with all the free oxygen in the atmosphere, ruling out the possibility of all animal life. On the other hand, if the oceans were merely a few feet deeper, they would absorb so much carbon dioxide from the air that plants could not exist.

The Moon

The moon is about 239,000 miles away from earth. If it were only 50,000 miles away the tides, which are now harmless, would completely submerge the continents twice a day.

Though the moon is only relatively close to earth, its surface temperature varies each lunar day (15 lunar days) from a high of 214 degrees above zero, to a low of 243 degrees below zero!

Composition Of Atmosphere

The composition of the atmosphere is about 78 parts nitrogen and 21 parts oxygen. Too much nitrogen in the atmosphere would slow down all functions of the body so that death would finally result. Too much oxygen would also be harmful since it would increase the activities of the body to such a pace that life could not last that long. It is highly unlikely that this could have been developed by accident, since most accidents in chemistry usually result in explosions. This is especially true of nitrogen which is the basic ingredient of practically every explosive!

Angle Of The Earth

The earth is tilted on its axis 23 1/2 degrees. This tilting, plus the revolution around the sun, gives us our seasons. In most parts of the earth this not only gives ample time to raise the necessary supply of food, but it provides a season in which the soil lies idle, soaks up moisture, and increases its own fertility.

Our atmosphere serves a protective blanket to shield us from deadly radiation. If the radiation reached the earth, it would be impossible for mankind to exist.


Our atmosphere is just dense enough to protect the earth from some twenty million meteors that enter it daily. These meteors, which travel at speeds of about thirty miles per second, would otherwise strike the earth with such impact that all life would be endangered.

Not A Coincidence!

It is difficult to believe that all of these things are a series of fortunate coincidences. Yet if we accept the idea that everything is a result of chance, that is exactly what we have to believe. Scientist and theologian John Klotz writes:


To suggest that just by chance the right sized planet happened to be the right distance from the right sized star, that it happened to rotate on its axis as well as revolve around that star, and that it happened to have the proper constituents to moderate its temperature is incredible. It is much easier to believe that this is the result of a plan by an all-wise being (John Klotz, Studies in Creation, St. Louis, Concordia Publishing House, 1985, p. 194).

As one examines the universe one finds precision and order everywhere. Our earth has been made in such a way that it is suitable for life to exist.

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